Merchant Deposits Detail

The Merchant Deposits Detail page allows you to perform the following tasks:

·          Viewing Merchant Deposits Detail

·          Saving Merchant Deposits Detail

·          Printing Merchant Deposits Detail


To access the merchant deposits detail page:

1.      Click the desired link below the Settlement Date field in the Merchant Deposits - List page. The Merchant Deposits Detail page displays.


The page displays the following tabs, fields, and links:


·          Home

·          Services

·          Documentation

·          Help Topics

·          News


·          Location

·          Save Search Result as

·          Date

·          Time

·          TranType

·          Card

·          Amount


·          Back to Services

·          Back to Deposit List

·          Printer Friendly Version


See Also:

EBTMerchant Services Tab

Merchant Deposits

Merchant Deposits - List

Viewing Merchant Deposits Detail